Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Use of Technology in Education

My group is Education, so we have been thinking about the philosophy of education, as well as the technological mediums that have had great impacts on how students are being taught in the classroom. The following are some of the ideas that we have some far:

-Smart Boards
-E-readers and E-books
-Heart monitors in Gym Classes
-Online Syllabi and Course Websites

I believe that technology, when implemented properly, can be extremely useful in the education process. Many times they are implemented incorrecty and instead of becoming something useful it backfires and becomes a distraction to the students. A lot of the devices, such as laptops, being implemented in the education process have access to internet and have caused the students to be paying attention to other things instead of what they should be focusing on in the classroom. Although a great device, it is a huge distraction if not implemented properly with the right controls that limit the distractions.

When technology is implemented in the learning process it is crucial that it is implemented properly so that it does not become a detraction to the learning process. This is something that may be difficult to do in a lot of circumstances, but it is definitely something that is attainable. Many schools implement a firewall that restrict access to the internet on the student's laptop until the teacher authorizes the computer to access it at appropriate times. Many different other controls can be put in place to help limit the distractions.

What are your thoughts on other technologies that are being implemented in the classroom, or other ways that we can limit the distractioned use of these mediums?

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